Friday, September 19, 2008

Edward Cullen....

well...this one's for edward..the title suggests as i wont go twattering over why im writing this or who this is for...etc etc....
i've just started reading stephanie meyer's bestselling series..infact i've jus finished the first book(just in time ..wot with the movie approaching!!!!)....and must say im impressed...not by the literary that...neither by the "claims" people made about it...comparing it to "THE" Harry Potter series and stuff....what impressed me was the sincerety in the book....edward's character...and now that im finally onto his character....what impressed me about his character was the way Ms. Meyer has made him out to be the "perfect" ....guy....oooooooops....vampire....
He is jus the guy every girl would want....painfully handsome...breathtakingly charming...strong(a bit too strong perhaps!!!)...possessive..caring..."always" there for u...(i dont really find this particular attribute very a self proffesed advocate of my own space and all...u get the picture!!!)...a lover who doesn't seem to even notice other(read prettier) girls when ur around...who loves u to the point of insanity it seems at times......god!!!!i can go on and on and on and on about this....
u read the book...fall for edward headlong...with jus a tweeny weeny lil doubt...he's a vampire after all....
after reading the book....all i can say is...edward's character kinda "glamorises" the whole vampire thing....u almost start wishing u were one to...or atleast had a guy like edward(this part is strictly for the girls!!!!)....the painful process of becoming a vampire(as described in the book) seems almost insubstantial....
ill hafta say this about Ms Meyer...she sure knows how to capture and pique girls' weak spot...a perfect what if he happens to be a vampire as well...or if u cant really "kiss" him in the conventional sense....u are jus supposed to sit while he kisses you -his if ur a breakable entity.....god...this book has all the the perfect...impeccable ratio that girls would die for...and guys wont really feel frustated after reading this book either...
comparisons with harry potter are baseless and stupid....i personally like potter better....much better...
so after all this babble about a topic that not all people would even understand...i think its time for me to say gudbye.....ill pakao u at the earliest as soon as i catch hold of a topic..and the time to write about it....
cya later...chow!!!!!