Friday, May 27, 2011

Mock Gallantry!!!!

Ever had the feeling where one fine day you suddenly wake up restless? Where you simply feel the need to do something about your miserable existence and try to discover the plural of an important organ of you body - the GUT ?

There are two kind of situations in life when you realize that you have guts - one is when you are faced with saving your life - and the other when you decide to stand up against the wrong done to you! Let's talk about the second kind!

One fine day..truth about you mongrel like existence hits you like a bout of farts that have escaped after a week. You're faced with the "fact" that you have been wronged. You are done with standing in a corner accepting orders from others. You vow to raise your voice against those who have been doing you wrong. It doesn't matter if they have been actually wrong or not - what matters is that YOU and you alone are convinced of their wrongdoing.

You gather your wits about you, telling yourself you are calm(when you are anything but that!) and march smartly upto them. Your mind keeps playing and replaying things you would say to them - mental barbs you have handy to throw at them. You feel happy at the very thought of the euphoria you'd feel after you have said what you have to. Your mind is doing hula hoops just with the thought of the heroic plunge you are about to take...

....OK. Enough of the mental delirium. The scene cuts back to your physical self, as you march up to the concerned party, choosing the ONE arrow from your armor which would set the tone of the conversation and show whose boss! You tap them on the shoulder. They whirl around. You open your mouth to speak...

....only to find yourself all helpless as they start shouting at YOU for some stupid mistake you have done which would put a 5 year old to shame. They go on and on as your mind gets tangled in the hula hoops and falls flat on it's face - you are too confused by the change in the train of events to even react, and before you know it...YOU are the one haggling with - "But.." "How??" "No..but I..".... and the best(worst) part is - everyone else sees the scene as a retribution you well deserved!! So you are the villain now!!!...

....And hence you are all but bitchslapped all the way back to the corner you had always been residing in...cowering in the same position of gutless idiocy you had always been so good at...and as you lay in endless wait for some spasm of gallantry to hit you again...and pray luck to favor you when it realize a simple truth - YOU NEVER REALLY STOOD A CHANCE!! :D :D


  1. A good one ..
    You could explicitly told what the scene was and who the concerned party is .. Thats what blogs are all about .. May be this is a chance to let them know what actually happened .. Ever seen the movie Easy-A ??

    Bitchslapped ?? wooaahh ... That was surely a heavy slap! The wise-men (okay, make it singular, that's me !) always say "Ignore Illiteracy" ... Thats a good way to go about it indeed ...

    And one more ... Always keep mustering your courage ... The flipped coin must fall the other side sometime or the other :D
